A Brief Text to Thank God and Tao for the Life I Have

Nicolas Rufino dos Santos
3 min readOct 4, 2021


Black and White (Source: Pexels.com)

All beings are born of a great splendor, which is manifested by nature, of which I am a small part, and of which I am a servant.

Nature moves actions by its own logic and transcends human understanding. The small part can not reach the whole.

There is, within each of us, a hidden energy, a small spark of God’s soul. A glorious glow that takes us into the universe of spirituality. Its name is Tao.

Tao is not accessible by thought, but by intuition. One cannot understand nature from thought. When naming a flower, I use knowledge, which is always incomplete, limited and linked to the past. But when I look at the flower, I use intuition. With intuition, there is no trial, classification or conviction. I realize that the flower is part of the universe, of nature and of me.

The Tao is an unattainable dimension for struggle and effort. When I fight, I lose energy. When trying to reach the star, it distances itself. There are no goals to be achieved, there is only the Way. When I enjoy my activities taking advantage of a pleasant process, without expecting for the results, I leave them under the care of Tao, who accomplishes them with absolute perfection, and above any expectations.

Tao is inaccessible to time. It does not act in the past or in the future, but in the present time. There’s only this moment, the now. To live now is to be free from the burden of the past and from the longing for the future.

Tao is empty. It’s in everything and everyone. It is flexible and quiet. To empty yourself is to be free. The vase is only useful because of the emptiness it contains.

Tao empties my “I” and opens me to humility. With humility I’m not an actor of actions. They occur through me. With humility I can seek fullness from below. The ones above see nothing to achieve.

Tao is balance. Nature is manifested by duality, which is not conflicting, but complementary. Light and dark. Hot and cold. High and low. Yin and Yang. Achieving balance is part of our quest, for we are part of nature, and it manifests itself in us.

The journey of the human being towards enlightenment is arduous and independent of any authorities. No organization, order, leader or guru can guide the human being to enlightenment. Truth is outside all standards and any masters and gurus.

Our actions are expressions of who we are. The exterior results from the inside. A punch is not only a mechanical movement of the hand, but a complete action that involves body and spirit; carries all its values, principles, difficulties, sufferings and objectives. Our movements are the extension of our soul and our state of mind.

Accumulation of knowledge is not wisdom.

From nature, I retrieve wisdom.

From the water: flexibility and fluidity.

From the seasons: change and cycles.

From the bamboo: simplicity and interior emptiness.

From heaven: duality and complementarity.

I wrote your name on a little piece of paper that’s kept next to God.

If you have any questions between acting insecurely or with love, choose the second.



Nicolas Rufino dos Santos

PhD student in Administration - Ethics, Virtues and Moral Dilemmas in Administration. Florianópolis, SC, Brasil. Contact: nicolasrufino4@gmail.com